
(function() {

var he_url = ‘https://healthengine.com.au’;

var script = ‘currentScript’ in document && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript : null; // use currentScript if available..

var widget_setup = function(target) {

if (!target.parentNode) return; // sometimes this happens
var widid = parseInt(target.getAttribute(“data-he-id”),10) || 0; // still need a widget id
var widspecialty = target.getAttribute(“data-he-specialty”) || ”;
var widdocid = parseInt(target.getAttribute(“data-he-doctor”),10) || 0;

if (widid > 0) {
// check not already done (don’t need two widgets)
if (target.previousSibling && target.previousSibling.id === ‘he-webplugin-‘+widid) return;

var params = [];
if (!widspecialty.match(/^ *$/)) {
params.push(‘specialty=’ + widspecialty);
if (widdocid > 0) {
params.push(‘doctor=’ + widdocid);
var widget_url = he_url + ‘/webplugin/?id=’ + widid + (params.length ? ‘&’ + params.join(‘&’) : ”);
var practice_url = he_url + ‘/service/’ + widid + (params.length ? ‘?’ + params.join(‘&’) : ”);

// show button by preference…
var fixedonly = !!target.getAttribute(‘data-he-fixed’);
var buttononly = !!target.getAttribute(‘data-he-button’);
var embedonly = !!target.getAttribute(‘data-he-embed’);
var inlineonly = target.getAttribute(‘data-he-inline’) == ‘true’;

if (fixedonly) widget_url += ‘&trigger=button’;
if (buttononly) widget_url += ‘&trigger=button’;
if (inlineonly) widget_url += ‘&inlineonly=true’;

// detect touch device…
var touch_device;
try {
touch_device = true;
} catch(ex) {
touch_device = false;

//retrieve styling options
var div_class = target.getAttribute(‘data-he-class’) || ”;
var div_style = target.getAttribute(‘data-he-style’) || ”;
var div_background_color = target.getAttribute(‘data-background-color’) || ”;
var div_text_color = target.getAttribute(‘data-text-color’) || ”;
var div_alignment = target.getAttribute(‘data-alignment’) || ”;
var div_button_label = target.getAttribute(‘data-button-label’) || ”;

//create, configure and add container div
var targetdiv = document.createElement(‘div’);
targetdiv.id = ‘he-webplugin-‘+widid;
targetdiv.className = div_class;
targetdiv.style.cssText = div_style;

//Basic button option
if (!embedonly && !fixedonly && (buttononly || (touch_device && window.outerWidth<=720))) { //insert element before target target.parentNode.insertBefore(targetdiv, target); //Check if popup exists - if not create it if (!he_popup_exists(widid)) { he_init_popup(widid,touch_device,widget_url); } // Create, config and style button object var button_text = target.getAttribute('data-he-text') || ''; var button_class = target.getAttribute('data-he-button-class') || ''; var button_style = target.getAttribute('data-he-button-style') || ''; var button; if (button_text) { button = document.createElement('a'); button.href = 'javascript:;'; button.innerHTML = button_text; button.className = button_class; button.style.cssText = button_style; } else { var imgfile = target.getAttribute('data-he-img') || 'HE_bookapp_1.png'; if (!imgfile.match(/(\/|https?:\/\/)/i)) { imgfile = he_url + '/images/widget/' + imgfile; } button = document.createElement('img'); button.src = imgfile; button.className = button_class; button.style.cssText = button_style; button.style.border = 'none'; button.style.cursor = 'pointer'; button.alt = 'Book now with HealthEngine'; } //Add event handler for basic button button.onclick = function(e) { // Disable the default click handler for the popup button if (!e) e = window.event; if (e.preventDafault) e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; if (touch_device && window.outerWidth <= 720) { // on phone just open a new window with widget in it. window.open(widget_url); } else { // if existing, just hidden, show... if (he_popup_exists(widid)) { he_show_popup(widid,widdocid); } } return false; }; //Add button to targetDiv targetdiv.appendChild(button); } //Fixed Widget Option - No targetDiv, can be included anywhere in page body else if(!embedonly && !buttononly && fixedonly){ //Check if popup exists - if not create it if (!he_popup_exists(widid)) { he_init_popup(widid,touch_device,widget_url); } //create static widget container div var staticwidget = document.createElement('div'); staticwidget.className = 'he-book he-widget-container'; //Check for additional styling options //Check for background color if(div_background_color!=''){ var widget_background_color = div_background_color; } else{ var widget_background_color = "#2c4c59"; } //Check for text color if(div_text_color!=''){ var widget_text_color = div_text_color; } else{ var widget_text_color = "#FFF"; } //check alignment if(div_alignment!=''){ var widget_alignment = div_alignment; } else{ var widget_alignment = 'right'; } //check button label if(div_button_label!=''){ var widget_button_label = div_button_label; } else{ var widget_button_label = 'Book appointment'; } var ua = navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); var trident = ua.indexOf("Trident/"); var edge = ua.indexOf("Edge/"); var browser = { isIe: function () { return (msie != -1|| trident != -1 || edge != -1); }, useragent: navigator.userAgent, getVersion: function() { var version = 999; // we assume a sane browser if (msie != -1) { // bah, IE again, lets downgrade version number version = parseInt(ua.substring(msie + 5, ua.indexOf('.', msie)), 10); } else if (trident != -1) { var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:'); version = parseInt(ua.substring(rv + 3, ua.indexOf('.', rv)), 10); } else if (edge != -1) { varsion = parseInt(ua.substring(edge + 5, ua.indexOf('.', edge)), 10); } return version; } }; //add relevant styles and html if (browser.isIe() && browser.getVersion() <= 9) { // IE 9 or older staticwidget.innerHTML ='

} else {
staticwidget.innerHTML =’


Powered By



//Add event handler widget
staticwidget.onclick = function(e) {

// Disable the default click handler for the popup button
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (e.preventDafault) e.preventDefault();
e.returnValue = false;

if (touch_device && window.outerWidth <= 720) { // on phone just open a new window with widget in it. window.open(widget_url); } else { //Add active class staticwidget.classList.add('active'); // if existing, just hidden, show... if (he_popup_exists(widid)) { he_show_popup(widid,widdocid); } } return false; }; //apend widget to page document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(staticwidget); } //Calendar Option else { //insert element before target target.parentNode.insertBefore(targetdiv, target); // add iframe... var width = target.getAttribute('data-he-width') || '100%'; var height = target.getAttribute('data-he-height') || '500'; var extracss = target.getAttribute('data-he-frame-css') || 'border: 2px solid #045475'; var profileLink = target.getAttribute('data-he-profile-link') !=='false'; targetdiv.innerHTML = '
+ (profileLink ? ‘

View our profile on HealthEngine.com.au

‘ : ”);

var he_popup_exists = function (widid){
var popup = document.getElementById(‘he-webplugin-popup-‘ + widid);

return false;

return true;

var he_init_popup =function(widid,touch_device,widget_url){
var ieold = navigator.appVersion.indexOf(“MSIE 7.”)!=-1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf(“MSIE 8.”)!=-1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf(“MSIE 9.”)!=-1;
// not compatible with IE9 or older
if (ieold) return;

// otherwise create lightbox popup
popup = document.createElement(‘div’); // background overlay
popup.id = ‘he-webplugin-popup-‘ + widid;

// Overlay styling
/*popup.style.display = ‘none’;*/
popup.style.position = “fixed”;
popup.style.zIndex = “9999”;
popup.style.width = “100%”;
popup.style.height = “100%”;
popup.style.textAlign = “center”;
popup.style.top = “0”;
popup.style.left = “0”;
popup.className = “he-popup”;
//add animation class

// Overlay tranparent background
popup.style.backgroundColor = “rgba(0,0,0,0.6)”;

// Click event to hide the overlay
popup.onclick = function() {

popup.innerHTML = ‘





popup.getElementsByTagName(‘iframe’)[0].onclick = function(e) { // prevent click events propagating though the iframe
if (!e) e = window.event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();

// Prevent background scrolling in touch devices
if (touch_device) {
try {
popup.addEventListener(‘touchmove’, function(e){e.stopPropagation();e.preventDefault();}, false);
} catch(ex) {}

// Insert the overlay into the DOM after all existing body elements

// Hide Popup
var he_hide_popup = function (popup){

window.setTimeout(function() { popup.style.display = ‘none’; }, 300)
if (document.getElementsByClassName(‘he-widget-container’)[0]) {

// Show Popup
var he_show_popup = function (widid,widdocid){
if (widdocid > 0)
frames[‘open-appointments-widget-‘ + widid].postMessage(‘changePractitioner:’ + widdocid, he_url);
popup = document.getElementById(‘he-webplugin-popup-‘ + widid);
if (popup) {
popup.style.display = ‘block’;
window.setTimeout(function() { popup.classList.add(‘visible’); }, 100);

/* Load the widget after the page is ready */
var readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval(function(){
if (document.readyState === “complete”) {
if (script) {
} else {
var scripts = (document.body || document).getElementsByTagName(“script”); // fallback to get all scripts…
for (var c = 0, len = scripts.length ; c < len ; c++) { widget_setup(scripts[c]); } } } }, 100); })();